Septic abdominal gossypiboma: A life threatening surgical site infection


  • Carlos Augusto Gomes Surgery Department, Therezinha de Jesus University-Hospital, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Juiz de Fora (SUPREMA), Minas Gerais
  • Fausto Catena Emergency Department, Maggiore University Hospital, Parma
  • Cleber Soares Junior Surgery Department, Therezinha de Jesus University-Hospital, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Juiz de Fora (SUPREMA), Minas Gerais
  • Massimo Sartelli Department of Surgery, Hospital Macerata, Macerata
  • Salomone Di Saverio Trauma Surgery Unit, Maggiore Hospital, Bologna
  • Felipe Couto Gomes Surgery Department, Therezinha de Jesus University-Hospital, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Juiz de Fora (SUPREMA), Minas Gerais
  • Camila Couto Gomes Surgery Department, Governador Israel Pinheiro Hospital (HGIP-IPSEMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais



Foreign body, gossypiboma, post-operative complications


Gossypiboma is an uncommon surgical iatrogenic complication due to the retention of textile material inside natural cavities, especially in abdomen. An important aspect of gossypiboma is linked to the kind of inflammatory-triggered reaction: aseptic or pyogenic. In pyogenic reactions, granulomas and pus appear as a response to contaminated material left in the abdomen. Most patients are symptomatic, and clinical history and physical examination combined with computed tomography are essential to establish the diagnosis. The complication has similar pathophysiology from intra-abdominal abscess, however, has worse clinical course, poor prognosis and needs operative removal. Therefore, the gossypiboma deserves special attention and should be considered as a severe surgical site infection involving organs and/or spaces. Prevention is the key point to control the complication and is based on a systematic and systematized conference of such materials at the end of an operation. The purpose of this paper is to show for the first time all pathophysiologic steps of pyogenic gossypiboma. Moreover, to remind the risk factors associated to fungal infection (female, age, acute care unit stay, upper intestinal tract perforation, prolonged broad spectrum antibacterial therapy, parenteral nutrition and central venous catheter placement). At the same time, highlight that early antifungal therapy (Candida glabrata), should be kept in mind and should not be neglected as these was the agent involved in this patient’s death. Finally, alert the surgeons about this severe surgical site infection, which may lead to litigation.


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How to Cite

Gomes CA, Catena F, Soares Junior C, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Gomes FC, Gomes CC. Septic abdominal gossypiboma: A life threatening surgical site infection. J Peritoneum [Internet]. 2017 Nov. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];2(3). Available from:



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